The psychological traits that shape our political beliefs...

I can’t imagine a more important time to listen to this talk. Dannagal Young dives into the psychological difference between believing we live in a safe world that is meant to be trusted and explored and a world where threats need to be carefully monitored so that we can all live safely together. Neither psychological basement is inherently wrong, but both have been weaponized; creating a context where we all believe the threat to democracy is the other side.

Perhaps the real threat to democracy is both sides being unable to see the value in the other side.

As we head into another debate this evening, I will be working hard to truly listen to what each candidate says and looking to count the exact moments when I think they’ve hit on something they could work together on. I’m looking to be inspired by someone who is optimistic for the future and has a vision of our country that is inclusive and leads me to believe they value the perspective of others.

Granted, the past few months have been enlightening; highlighting which candidate is clearly more likely to bring us together than further divide us. That said, its still worth hearing what everyone has to say. If nothing else, it could expose moments after the election we can all work together towards a better future.


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